
The Problem

Developing AI/ML solutions and products from eye-tracking data requires specialty resources beyond data collection, labeling and testing.

Efficient modeling requires an end-to-end eye-tracking pipeline that encompasses signal analysis, feature generation and output. These capabilities and associated skills are out of reach for many commercial companies and research organizations who desire to develop models based on eye movement behavior.

Our Solution

HarmonEyes possesses the technical infrastructure, technical know-how, and scientific expertise and rigor to ensure your models and products are developed the proper way and are ready for the flawless integration into your desired platforms.

We provide an end-to-end solution – from goal setting to model development to validation to testing to deployment-ready.

The HarmonEyes Process

1. Targeted Solution Design

Recognizing that every project has its unique demands, HarmonEyes focuses on creating custom models that are a perfect match for your specific requirements. We bridge the gap between your vision and technological execution.

2. Commitment to Excellence

By combining innovative approaches with scientific rigor and technical expertise, we ensure that our custom models accomplish your specific organizational goals much faster.

3. Ensuring Scalability and Adaptability

Our custom models are designed with the future in mind. They are built to scale and adapt to evolving needs and flexible enough to integrate with existing and emerging technologies, ensuring long-term relevance and effectiveness.

Our Approach to Custom Solutions

Needs Analysis and Strategy Development

  • We start with an in-depth analysis of your project’s unique challenges and goals, forming the foundation for a model development strategy.
  • Our team collaborates closely with you to understand and define the exact specifications and desired outcomes of the custom model.

Development and Rigorous Testing

  • Leveraging cutting-edge AI/ML technologies, we develop custom models that meet your precise needs, ensuring high accuracy and performance.
  • If required, we conduct data collection, including procurement, labeling and testing.
  • Each model undergoes extensive validation and testing, ensuring it meets stringent criteria and performs flawlessly in real-world scenarios.

Ongoing Support and Evolutionary Adaptation

  • Post-deployment, HarmonEyes provides continuous support, ensuring the model remains effective and up-to-date with technological advancements and optional new data inputs which continuously maximize model accuracy.
  • We are committed to maintaining and evolving your model, ensuring it adapts to changing needs and continues to deliver exceptional results.

Learn more about the scientific process of each HarmonEyes’ AI/ML solution