Meta Quest Pro Sample

Import Sample Project

  1. Under the Window => Package Manager navigate to the HarmonEyes SDK.
  2. Go to the Samples tab and click Import next to “Oculus Sample”.
  3. Open the Unity.
  4. Import TMP Essentials And TMP Examples & Extra when prompted.

Project Settings

  1. Enable Oculus Support by going to Edit => Project Settings => XR Plug-in Management.
    1. Check Oculus on the Windows tab.
    2. Check Oculus on the Android tab.

  2. Navigate to Edit => Project Settings => Oculus => Resolve all errors.
    1. Fix all outstanding errors.

  3. Navigate to the **OVRCameraRigInteraction** prefab => OVRCameraRig prefab => OVR Manager.
    1. Make sure eye tracking and face tracking support is set to Required.

  4. Resolve any outstanding issues.

Note: Sometimes you may need to restart the Unity Editor & Reimport the sample to fix any non-loaded scripts.

License Key

  1. Select the EyeTrackingDataOculusAnalyzer prefab.
  2. In the EyeTrackingConfig script, enter your license key.

Build Project

  1. Under the Build Settings click Add Open Scenes to the project & click Build.